
成功从这里开始PK3至8th 年级


“孩子们边玩边学. 最重要的是,孩子们在玩耍中学会了如何学习."

O. 弗雷德·唐纳森

Our 幼儿园 students learn in a caring 和 fun-filled environment that is focused on instilling a joy of learning. Joy is enhanced when our students are able to learn at their own pace whether they master a concept easily 和 are ready for more challenges or they need a little extra time.

幼儿园 students are very observant 和 learn best when they are active 和 participating in h和s-on activities. 通过多种教学方法和资源, our 幼儿园 students thrive in an environment that plants the seed for a lifelong joy of learning.

这是种下学习种子的时候. It is our mission to nurture that seed to successfully grow 和 flourish.

Our 学前教育 和 幼儿园 curriculum fosters child development of:

  • 物理
  • 社会
  • 电动机
  • 精神上的
  • 情感
  • 语言
  • 认知发展

Our students are loved, protected 和 motivated to embrace the joy of learning.


您的孩子将在安全的环境中享受个性化的关注, caring 和 structured environment designed to help students succeed academically through intellectual growth, 通过个人情感和社会成长.

幼儿园 at Our Lady of Lourdes engages kids in learning while having fun in class. 幼稚园学生将与他们的同学一起:

  • 培养读写、数学和科学技能.
  • 享受以学习为导向的游戏和实地考察.
  • 参与社区服务项目,帮助他人.
  • 在社交、情感和精神上成长.
  • 在小学及以后取得成功.



Students will begin exploring the rich tradition of their faith by learning about God, 耶稣, 圣母玛利亚(卢尔德的圣母). 学生将被介绍给使徒和圣徒, 以及教会的神职人员, 从执事到教皇. 学生将学习创造的目的和我们存在的目的, 和 that we should love God with our hearts as well as their neighbors. Students will also be introduced to the many traditions of the faith as well as worship practices 和 prayers.


笔迹 is designed to develop fine motor skills while learning their upper 和 lowercase letters. 学生将学习字母组合成单词. This class will provide them with the skills they need to learn to read. 学生将学会阅读他们的第一个单词.


The math curriculum for 幼儿园 will teach students to recognize shapes, 对象, 位置和模式. Students will learn to associate numerals with different sets of items 和 counting from 1 to 100. Students will learn how to measure 对象, tell time, 和 work with money.


Students will learn to recognize letter sounds 和 the sounds made by combinations of letters (syllables). 学生将开始认识和阅读视词.


在阅读, 学生将了解印刷的概念(例如:一本书的一部分), 从左到右, 从上到下). Students will learn to distinguish differences in sounds of spoken language 和 underst和 that a letter represents a sound. Students will recognize the letters 和 the sounds they represent 和 know some words by sight.

They will listen to 和 demonstrate an underst和ing of a wide variety of text (examples: alphabet books, 信息的故事, 文学, 还有童谣). 在教室里, students will demonstrate familiarity with everyday print 和 correctly answer questions about a book read aloud. Students will also retell a story in sequence 和 connect events in a story to life experiences.


科学 will prepare your student to become a critical thinker by teaching the basics of the scientific method. Students will be able to perform basic experiments 和 other activities at home. Students will also learn that God is the source of all knowledge 和 that God alone can create 和 work miracles, 哪些超出了科学的范围.


幼儿园社会研究关注几个大的概念. The students will learn what it means to be a part of a family 和 why they are different from other family members. 他们将了解我们为什么庆祝节日以及节日的意义. The students will learn how to be a good citizen 和 will learn about how different groups might have different rules. Money will be explained as well as the concept of work 和 the types of work that people might do. 学生们将学习时间的概念, 今天, 昨天, 为了描述事件. They will start learning how to read maps, along with the common symbols 和 directions found on one. 最后,学生们将学习地形、水和天气.



除了核心课程, students at 卢尔德圣母天主教学校 enjoy a variety of specialty
subjects designed to complement 和 enrich their overall academic experience.


所有学生每周都接受西班牙语教学. The Spanish curriculum is implemented using age-appropriate activities in a creative, 有趣的课堂环境.

Students in grades K – 5th visit the Spanish classroom once per week 和 focus on the basic language skills of speaking, 听, 理解, 阅读和写作.

六至八年级的学生每周接受两次西班牙语教学, 进一步加深他们的知识. 通过实践活动, 歌曲, 游戏和项目, students acquire both linguistic skills 和 a greater cultural awareness.


Education in the Visual Arts is important to the development of creative expression. Through the study of visual arts, students develop creativity 和 build self-confidence. Our visual arts curriculum provides students with aesthetic experiences 和 builds an underst和ing of 和 an appreciation for a variety of cultures.

Students in grades K - 8th meet weekly with our art teacher in the Art Suite. 学生们学习艺术史, 画, 绘画, 而雕塑作品以及其他各种方法和媒介. They are encouraged to create their own works of beauty 和 individuality.


音乐教育是儿童教育的重要组成部分. Through music, students develop creativity, imagination 和 expression. The music curriculum introduces students to a broad cultural awareness 和 deeper appreciation of the arts while developing life-long skills.

Students in grades PK3 - 8th participate in weekly music classes in the Music Suite. 我们的重点是培养年轻的歌喉, 学习音乐技巧, 欣赏音乐, 分享音乐天赋. 小学生努力学习节奏, 阅读笔记和掌握适合年龄的歌曲曲目.


Our physical education program is designed to develop the necessary skills 和 experiences that benefit students physically, 在情感上, 社会, 和精神上. 通过培养身体素质, 团队合作, 和 healthy lifestyle choices students establish a positive self-concept.

小学 students in grades PreK3 - 8th enjoy physical education classes each week in our outdoor athletic facilities. 通过有趣的, 健康和公平竞争, 我们的学生培养手眼协调能力, 基本力量, 平衡和敏捷. 他们学习各种运动的技巧和规则. 提高个人技术水平的要素, 支持队友, 尊重对手和体育精神的质量是强调.

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